NCAAW 2000

NCAAW is traditionally held the third week of October.

For next year, mark your calendars for
October 21-27, 2001


Marketing NCAAW
Sample Editorial Letter


October 1, 2000

Dear Editor:

This month, students at (SCHOOL) will join hundreds of thousands of others across North America in observance of National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week (October 15-21). It's a time for all of us to commend these students for the progress they are making, promoting responsible decision-making the best way possible - peer to peer. As a concerned citizen of the campus community, I often am confronted with the negative aspects of living in a heavily student-populated area. However, efforts like these constantly encourage me. It's great to know that the majority of students at (SCHOOL) genuinely care about helping their friends and making safe and healthy decisions.

I want to encourage all of my neighbors to join me in supporting the activities surrounding National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week through our active participation in the many events they have scheduled. People can call 555-1234 for more information on the week's activities.


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